
The Eastlands El Camino



1-2 miles

Thu 9th May 2024 at 11:00

Walk description:

Eastlands used to be known as the land we stand on by the locals, this May GLL and MCRactive are planning walks across the city. I have created accessible walking routes stretching across GLL and MCRactives leisure centres. Social get together, to explore the potential health benefits of walking and taking part in physical activity.

Start at National Squash Centre & Regional Arena

Walking around the Colin Bell Stand

And take Grey Mare Lane towards East Manchester (EM) (Mary D’s Pub)

Tour of EM

Leave EM and take the Alan Turing Way alongside CFA

Cross the Road at the Velopark tram stop, cross the bridge over to National Cycling Centre (NCC)

Tour of NCC

From NCC take the route down past McDonald’s and again to join the Alan Turing Way

Cross the road/turn left at the Co-op live/blue car park entrance towards Tennis & Football (T&F)

Tour of T&F

Then back up NSC & RA

Starting point
Gate 13, Etihad Campus, Rowsley St.
M11 3FF

End address
Gate 13, Etihad Campus, Rowsley St.
M11 3FF

Walk leader: Oscar Cameron

Contact: oscar.cameron@gll.org

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