In September we launched GM Moving in Action, the shared vision and plan for a healthier, happier city region.
You can find out more about the GM Moving Strategy 2021-31, and all the programs of work on the website here
As part of this launch, GM Walking invited you to view our animation and our walking resources, to support and help you with your work, to enable more people to incorporate walking into their lives.
These free resources that you can use anytime to support your walking, and encourage others to walk include:
These include:
GM Moving & TfGM would like to welcome you to the third instalment of the Big Active Conversation, taking place on 5th October 2021 (14:00-17:00).
These quarterly stakeholder conversations, hosted by TfGM and GM Moving partners, bring people and partners across Greater Manchester together to share and explore progress, stories, challenges and expertise as we work together to make Greater Manchester a better place for everyone to walk, cycle, wheel and to live an active life.
The focus for this conversation is around the role of active travel in an integrated transport network and how we can work together to deliver a system which is accessible and inclusive for all Greater Manchester citizens and communities.
Interactive breakout groups will explore the following topics:
A workshop run by Nick Brelsford of Sustrans and Rana Kadiri of 10GM that looks at what Active Neighbourhood schemes mean for communities and how best to ensure they deliver positive impacts for those communities.
Our Streets Chorlton share learning from their journey of working with the community to re-imagine how people can drive less and get about with more ease. Led by Michaela Howell (Groundwork GM), Pauline Johnston (Walk Ride GM), Sam Milsom (Open Data Manchester) and George Coombs (Groundwork GM).
TfGM session exploring how we can get voices heard within transport decision making, opening up a regular dialogue about what different people face in terms of their access, experience and outcomes in relation to transport, including walking and cycling, and create solutions which address them.
A workshop sharing learning from community and wider stakeholder engagement from Glasgow and elsewhere in the UK. The workshop will look at some principles of approach, as well as tools for practice that could be applied in Greater Manchester to make a difference to the outcomes for the place.
We also want to hear from you about any examples or experience of good practice you’ve come across, or any ideas around how we can deliver this vision together. So please come prepared with ideas and examples to contribute – this will help to make workshops two-way and engaging!
Please head to Eventbrite to book your place and indicate your preference of breakouts.
When: Monday October 11th 1pm-4pm
Where: King’s House Conference Centre, King’s Church, Sidney Street, Manchester. M1 7HB
Purpose of the event:
Who’s it for?
Organisations who currently facilitate investment/grant approaches or will be looking to develop a grant approach in the future such as:
You can book here or email info@gmmoving.co.uk to book your place