GM Walking and Wheeling Fund

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The GM Walking and Wheeling Fund (GMWWF) Grants programme offers grants of up to £5,000 to voluntary, community, and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations to deliver projects to get more people walking and wheeling .

The GM Walking and Wheeling Fund will be re-opening for 2024-25 in September, so check back soon.

About the GM Walking and Wheeling Fund

The fund, supported by the Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership, aims to improve the health and wellbeing of communities in Greater Manchester by encouraging people who are less active or inactive to walk or wheel (e.g. using a wheelchair/mobility aid or pushing a pram) regularly.

It also increases awareness of and engagement with us, GM Walking, and our hub of information and resources that recognises the important role walking and wheeling can play in increasing physical activity levels.

Case Study: B.O.O.B.S in Bury - Pram Walk Project

Who are the GM Walking and Wheeling Fund grants for?

Guided by the Active Lives data, the grants are given to organisations working with communities that may be less active or inactive, including people with disabilities or long-term health conditions, people from diverse ethnic backgrounds, and people from lower socio-economic groups.

The GM Walking and Wheeling Fund is also particularly interested in applications from organisations and projects that link in with the health and care system.

When does the GM Walking and Wheeling Fund grants open for applications?

The GM Walking and Wheeling Fund opens for applications in September.

The GM Walking and Wheeling Fund is made possible thanks to investment from the Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership. We also recognise and thank the many partners who have supported us since 2019 to deliver grants to community groups including 10GM, Salford CVS, and GMCVO.

GM Walking Fund 2020-22