Easy Leisurely

Girls Who Walk Manchester Sunday Walk

Girls Who Walk Manchester

Manchester, Salford

1-2 miles

Sun 26th May 2024 at 10:00

Walk description:

About Us

Girls Who Walk MCR (GWWM) is a walking and social group for women and LGBTQ+ people in the city of Manchester. This is a free and accessible way to meet new people, make new friends, get fresh air and enjoy some light exercise. There has been a huge turnout for each walk and GWWM has fast become a thriving community of women coming together each week to make new connections and combat loneliness.

GWWM also hosts multiple social events offering a diverse range of activities, including supper club, book club, fitness and wellbeing sessions, and craft workshops, among others.

Sunday Walks

Walks are on every Sunday morning and take place in the city centre. We meet at Loaf (Affinity Living) to grab a drink and socialise before heading off on the walk. Usually lasting up to an hour, walks are very accessible and suitable for all abilities.

Starting point
Loaf MCR, Affinity Riverview, 29 New Bailey St
M3 5GN

Walk leader: Nia Forrest-Owen

Contact: hello@girlswhowalkmcr.co.uk

Useful information: https://www.instagram.com/girlswhowalkmcr

Booking link: https://share.thecliq.app/clubs/313ca64f-9537-4e34-b94b-e01e77c8ee68

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