
We want your lockdown walking stories!


Tell us about your walking during lockdown!

Our exciting new walking campaign – due to launch earlier this year but postponed due to the coronavirus – will be launching soon! We’re looking for some more walking stories to feature in that campaign, this time focused on walking during the lockdown. If you started walking, started walking more, or started walking differently during the lockdown we’d love to hear from you. We’re particularly interested in:

  • Why you started walking during lockdown.
  • Where you walked during the lockdown, and how this changed.
  • What the benefits of walking during lockdown were.
  • How walking during lockdown made you feel.
  • How your walking changed as the lockdown shifted and eventually started easing.
  • What your walking looks like now.

If you’d like to share your story with us, please email info@gmmoving.co.uk and make sure to tell us a bit about yourself too!

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