Nordic Walking with After Breast Cancer Diagnosis (ABCD)

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ABCD CIC  was founded by Joanne Taylor who wanted to provide support to people like herself who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Read more below on how the GM Walking Fund helped support her in doing this –

Jo is an avid ambassador for NW which has many benefits for those diagnosed with breast cancer. Jo was so keen to introduce other people to its benefits that she successfully applied for The GM Walking grant to train more instructors in the region to offer free NW sessions to people across the North West.

The core team is coming to fruition with 13 Instructors covering the GM area. Each instructor will try to run a weekly session and include a daytime and an evening sessions to accommodate the needs and lifestyles of the different participants.

The instructors have attended their training with British Nordic Walking and have been trained in First Aid. They have all been provided with sufficient equipment to run a small group which means that participants will not be required to provide their own equipment but can simply turn up and join in.

We aim to reach ALL GM hospitals, breast cancer clinics, GPs, Maggies, Macmillan, Cancer charities, social prescribing groups etc to signpost patients to this new initiative so spread the word.

As a group we are strong advocates for the physical activity experienced with NW as we know it has great benefits for breast cancer patients. This is because following surgery for breast cancer, if lymph nodes are removed the arms can become swollen and difficult to move due a condition known as lymphoedema. During NW the lymph is moved around the body more easily, so it helps support movement and lymphatic drainage. And if that’s not enough, the exercise is a full body work out so burns more calories than standard walking.

Additionally, because the group will be made up of people who have experienced the same difficulties, all having had breast cancer, there will no doubt be great peer support. So, they hope it will become more than just a walking group but also a movement that supports patients after a breast cancer diagnosis…

And just in case you’re a little shy to come along alone, they welcome partners or carers although we will give pole use priority to breast cancer patients, charging a small fee to those without cancer to keep them financially secure and help with the sustainability of our groups.

The group looks forward to seeing the group grow, develop, and become a sustainable exercise for those who have had breast cancer.

Details of the groups and meeting information will be on the website, social media and on the Facebook page so check out these pages for more details.

Learn more about Jo's incredible work by watching our video -

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