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Do you support colleagues to enhance their own wellbeing? Are you looking for a simple, accessible physical activity to promote?
This GM Daily Mile Toolkit has everything you need to launch a Daily Mile campaign in the workplace or encourage staff working from home to take up a Daily Mile. The step-by-step guide, top tips and the downloadable marketing and promotional resources in this toolkit will help you to achieve your goal.
The toolkit is divided into 6 sections;
(Each section can be quickly accessed by the below hyperlinks.)
Ways to encourage staff to develop the GM Daily Mile habit;
The GM Walking 7 Steps to Success Guide will help you to achieve your vision. It includes further information, tips and useful links on the following 7 steps;
There are many free Apps and websites to help you Work Out a Mile or help you to Planning a Walking Route if you are looking for support or inspiration. These downloads include the direct links you will need. The Go Jauntly app has some walks specific to Greater Manchester- check it out here.
If necessary refer to your your organisation’s health & safety policy.
Working out how far a mile is or how far you have walked isn’t always easy. Why not try the following ideas to help you;
One way to encourage walking is to share the positive outcomes of walking a GM Daily Mile. Remember it only takes about 20 minutes to walk a mile or is about 2000 steps, walking supports physical, emotional & mental wellbeing too.
Walking supports each of the Five Ways to Wellbeing, developed by the New Economics Foundation (2008) and used by many local, regional and national community & health organisations across the UK.
The five evidenced-based actions designed to improve personal wellbeing are;
Let’s see how walking can can support each of these.
How a GM Daily Mile supports The Five Ways to Wellbeing
Download the 'At A Glance' poster here
Using a combination of marketing methods will increase your reach, especially where staff work in different roles, across different departments, at various times of the day/night and those working from home.
Getting the messaging right
Raise awareness of your GM Daily Mile campaign in places where colleagues are most likely see them. For example;
Choosing the sweet spots to market to your colleagues.
Check out the noticeboard headers here
Spending time with others is known to boost your health & wellbeing. The workplace can provide a great range of opportunities for colleagues to connect through a GM Daily Mile. These may include;
The following ideas and tools are designed to help motivate your colleagues to participate in a GM Daily Mile and develop new habits of regular walking.
Download a GM Daily Mile Diary here
Remember to celebrate progress. Celebrating winners of challenges can be great but also consider celebrating progress too, such as consistency of walkers, new walkers or those who recruit new walkers. But only if they want the recognition!
Be proud, celebrate and continue your good work.
Download a blank certificate here
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